Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What is Today??

The days have gone by so fast, I don't even know what day it is! I stay so busy that sometimes I forget to eat. I go to use the bathroom and get side tracked only to realize three hours later that I never made it to the bathroom. My husband calls in the afternoon asking if I need him to go to the store before he comes home and I say, "Didn't you just leave?" Where do the hours go? Between feeding and changing Sophia (now 7 months old), potty training Simon (now 19 months old), home schooling Lydia (in 2nd grade), keeping the house clean, laundry done, and mouths fed, I really haven't found the time to blog much anymore. I am doing it now with Sophia in my lap eating, Simon in bed napping, and Lydia busy watching a newer version of the cartoon "Pound Puppies". We are all ready for Halloween...pumpkins carved, candy bought, costumes laid out, cookies made...except for the little fact that EVERYONE in the house is sick with a cold! I'm hoping that everyone will be better for the annual treat of trick-or-treating. I am in so desperate need of raiding some chocolate....

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